There's the rub

 When I told some of my friends about the Good Dad I had seen, and how it made me cry, it went the way these things usually go:

We talk about the lack of Good Dad examples in our lives. We talk about how, when we see these things, we get happy and weepy at the same time. 

And then we talk about what an extremely low bar that is, and we get angry. I wish that wasn't the case, but feelings just ARE. All you can do is acknowledge them and figure out why they are. We wish the default was decency. We wish the default was being loving and giving. We wish it wasn't so shocking to see a Good Dad.

What can be done? How can we appreciate the Good Dads without accepting the status quo of Most Dudes Sucking So Much? How do we expect goodness from men and raise good men? How do we not turn into bitter man-hating harpies?


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